Coupon issued

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Cassandra Dailey Cassandra Dailey
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Coupon issued

Hi I been having too many problem with coupons not getting here. Some comes and some don't come and I never revived my
 coupons or my money back. So what's is the problem .I made a huge order on Saturday and I get them on Tuesday .no coupons came today
So what's it
Joe Joe
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Re: Coupon issued

Did you eve consider your issue might be with the post office? If you have so many issues, go somewhere else.
Coletta Coletta
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Re: Coupon issued

In reply to this post by Cassandra Dailey

Please email me the order information to: so I can check on the status of your order.

jennifer carmichael jennifer carmichael
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Re: Coupon issued

hello i have been emailing since monday about coupons missing from my order and no one has reach out to me. if i could please get some help with my missing coupons.