Added 320 to some of the top selling coupons (Betty Crocker, Capri Sun, Cheerios, Colgate, Fiber One, Hydroxycut, Nature Valley, Nutella, et. al.) in the SmartSource category.
Added 400 to some of the top selling coupons (Ajax, Alberto VO5, Beneful, Betty Crocker Boxed Potatoes, Capri Sun, Cheerios, Coast, Fiber One, Hydroxycut, Nature Valley, Nissin, Rave, Tetley, White Rain, et. al.) in the SmartSource category.
Added 290 to some of the top selling coupons (Angel Soft, Boost, Dove, Garnier, Gillette Disposables, Kellogg's Pop-Tarts, Purex, Sara Lee, Welch's, et. al.) in the redplum category.
Added 350 to some of the top selling coupons (Alberto VO5, Almay, Coast, Colgate, Ecotrin, Hydroxycut, Liberte Mediterranee, Rave, Tetley, White Rain, Zest, et. al.) in the SmartSource category.
Added 320 to some of the top selling coupons (Alberto VO5, Almay, Coast, Colgate, Hydroxycut, Rave, Tetley Tea, White Rain, Zest, et al.) in the SmartSource category.
Added 310 to some of the top selling coupons (Act, Angel Soft, Boost, Garnier, Gillette, Kellogg's Pop-Tarts, Purex, ThinkThin, Welch's, et. al.) in the redplum category.
Added 100 to some of the top selling coupons (Almay, Betty Crocker, Capri Sun, Cheerios, Colgate, Hydroxycut, Nature Valley, Nutella, et. al.) in the SmartSource category.
Added 330 to some of the top selling coupons (Alberto VO5, Almay Face Product, Coast, Hydroxycut, Lberte Mediterranee, Tetley, White Rain, Zest, et. al.) in the SmartSource category.
Added 320 to some of the top selling coupons (Angel Soft, Dove Antiperspirant, Garnier, Kellogg's Cereals, Kellogg's Pop_tarts, ThinkThin Bar, Welch's, et. al.) in the redplum category.