I have been trying to submit my order; however, the page keeps telling me your site is having issues connecting for the credit cards. I really do not want to miss out on my coupons, what do I do?
There are apparently some issues with our credit card processor. I'm in contact with them and am trying to get it resolved. PayPal and Google Wallet are working fine. Hope to have it resolved ASAP.
I just confirmed that our credit card processor is indeed having some technical problems... They say they're working on it and hope to have everything back up soon.
Added 200 to most of the top selling coupons (Alexa, Colgate, Crystal Light, Frank's, Irish Spring, Land O Lakes, Nivea, Poise, Tony's, et. al.) in the SmartSource category.
Added 200 to most of the top selling coupons (Colgate, Crystal Light, Daisy, Frank's, Honey Bunches, Kozy Shack, Nivea, Poise, Tony's, et. al.) in the SmartSource category.