We'll have the 10/29 redplum and P&G coupons up and shipping Wednesday 10/25. SmartSource coming Saturday 10/28. You can preview the redplum and P&G coupons now at:
Added 1050 to some of the top selling coupons (All, Aquafresh, Caress, Dove, Eggland's Best, Garnier, Kellogg's, Purina Busy, Purina One, Snuggle, Target Only Gift Cards, et. al.) in the redplum category.
Added 450 to some of the top selling coupons (All, Aquafresh, Bunny Bread, Caress, Dove, Eggland's Best, Garnier, Purina, Snuggle, et. al.) in the redplum category.
Added 540 to some of the top selling coupons (All, Aquafresh, Caress, Dove, Eggland's Best, Garfnier, Purina, Snuggle, Target Only Gift Cards, et. al.) in the redplum category.