Tide coupons

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Courtney Courtney
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Tide coupons

Every time I check to see if back in stock, they aren't. When will they be re stocked? I check after you post that they are restocked
Coletta Coletta
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Re: Tide coupons


Thanks for contacting us concerning the 4/2 P&G coupons being restocked. We've processed and restocked on the site 4 different times today. All I can say, please add your email address to the "out of stock notifier", so you will receive an email alert when we restock again.

Taylor Taylor
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Re: Tide coupons


   You and Tim have continuously added the tide coupons. I have been able to purchase twice. People complain non stop on here but there are a lot of us who are very grateful for everything you guys do. You both do a wonderful job. Thank you for all your hard work.
Coletta Coletta
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Re: Tide coupons


Thank you for noticing the hard work Tim, myself and our staff puts in everyday.
