What does "Payment captured" mean?!

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What does "Payment captured" mean?!

What does "the payment for your previous order has been captured mean?? It won't let me check out with my paypal! Never had problem before.
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Re: What does "Payment captured" mean?!

BTW Yes, the Payment has gone through PayPal and I have the receipt. I just can't check out here for a new  order.
Coletta Coletta
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Re: What does "Payment captured" mean?!


Are you using a smartphone? If so, what kind are you using? Are you trying to use the Paypal or credit card feature on the site for payment? Have you tried to use a desktop, laptop or tablet to checkout? Please let me know.

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Re: What does "Payment captured" mean?!

Yes a samsung with the PayPal feature . I will try a desktop and report back.