cupons lt

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alfaro alfaro
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cupons lt

what happens if I put the wrong address I did notest until a week later
and some of them are gonna expire this weekkkk helpppp I oder like 20 some dollars cupons
Coletta Coletta
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Re: cupons lt


Thank you for emailing me concerning your order. I will be more than happy to check on the status of your order for you. Please email me back with the order number.


alfaro alfaro
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Re: cupons lt

t dd give me an order numer but I have my email were it tells me were I did morder I order it from my smart phone
Coletta Coletta
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Re: cupons lt


I responded to another one of your contacts concerning this same issue early this morning. Our credit card processor has been declining your credit card payments because your name, address and telephone number on your www.klip2save account isn't the same as our your credit card account. Please make sure the two accounts match.


alfaro alfaro
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Re: cupons lt

butt it did charge me anyways
alfaro alfaro
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Re: cupons lt

it charg me anyways  hae the payments hee ............and  in my inbox klip2save end me a message sayin my items were bean ship two weeks ago.....and one last
Coletta Coletta
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Re: cupons lt


Thank you for emailing me back concerning the orders you tried to place with us. Our credit card processor has declined all three of the orders you have tried to place with us, because your name and address on your Klip2save account is not the same as your name and address on your credit card account. All of the charge showed up as being "declined" and will not show up on your billing statement because no money was transferred from one account to the other.

All three of the orders are showing in the "pending" area of the site as incomplete orders because the payment was not accepted by our credit card processor, so therefore no orders were filled and the orders were not shipped out to you.


alfaro alfaro
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Re: cupons lt

What if i wanna buy cupons how can i do it or can it be on my name the card butt it has another adres
tim tim
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Re: cupons lt


You can purchase coupons as long as your name and address on your Klip2save billing address is the same as the name and address on your credit card account. If you need help changing your name and/or address on your Klip2save account, please let me know.

alfaro alfaro
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Re: cupons lt

Thank you i did a paypal acount and it let me do it i alredy did an order butt the first one i had done i wanet lol next time ..thank yo