Added 500 to some of the top selling coupons (Betty CRocker, Dixie, Edge, Giovanni, Glade, Kotex, Lysol, McCafe, Quaker, Totino's, et. al.) in the SmartSource category.
Added 420 to some of the top selling coupons (Betty Crocker, Edge, Giovanni, Glade, Kikkoman, Kotex, McCafe, Nature Valley, Pillsbury, Quaker, Schick, Totino's, et. al.) in the SmartSource category.
Added 610 to some of the top selling coupons (Betty Crocker, Dixie, Edge, Fancy Feast, Glade, Kotex U, Lysol, Mitchum, Quaker, Schick, Totino's, et. al.) in the SmartSource category.
Added 830 to some of the top selling coupons (Betty Crocker, Dixie, Glade, Kotex U, Lysol, Mitchum, Quaker, Schick, Totino's, et. al.) in the SmartSource category.
Added 650 to some of the top selling coupons (Betty Crocker, Edge, Giovanni Rana, Glade, Kotex U, Pillsbury, Quaker, Totino's, et. al.) in the SmartSource category.